Artwork in Felling Square
Ever since The Pant was removed, left to languish for years in a depot and then secretly broken up and buried, despite a firm promise that it would be retained and reassembled elsewhere in The Felling, the local residents have aspired to have a focal point in the Square. This Group, and no doubt others, have determined that it should happen.
In recent years there has been spurt of public monuments elsewhere, as well as in The Felling. This High Lanes monument
has been joined by this, one of two structures, on the side of the Felling Bypass

and these artwork pieces, among others, in Oliver Henderson Park.
The Felling Heritage Group, in conjunction with other groups, is seeking to have a monument as a centrepiece to a revamped Felling Square. A survey of public art features in neighbouring areas has been carried out by members of the Group and the general view is to have a statue which encompasses icons of the town's past..mining, quarrying and chemicals while also standing, as The Pant did, as a tribute to those from The Felling who fought in war. This is a sketch of the sort of thing in mind
Alongside mining as a major employer during The Felling's industrial period is the far bigger and longer lasting chemical industry, which includes paint manufacturing, still in place to this day. Something to represent this, must be included.
The Council have plans for major changes in the centre of The Felling..pulling down high and low rise blocks of flats, for example, and if an artwork is to be established in the Square it would have to be done in conjunction with those plans. Of course other venues, eg The Park, The Metro Interchange or its near vicinity could also be considered.